📑 Summarize Anything

TubeOnAI allows users to summarize publicly accessible online content such as online articles, pdf, drive files, and much more.

If you give proper links following the allowed URL formats, TubeOnAI can generate accurate summaries and supercharge your learning.

To generate summaries from the online URLs, simply log in to your TubeOnAI account and navigate to the Search section.

Here you will see an Other Summaries tab. Click on it and provide the direct publicly accessible link of the content you want to summarize.

Click on the Summarize button and see TubeOnAI handle the rest.

In the next sections, you will learn about the allowed URLs that TubeOnAI supports and the best practices to properly summarize online content.

Allowed URLs #

Users can summarize any PDF, audio, video, text, or PPTX files uploaded on Google Drive.

However, you need to follow a specific format and some conditions to allow TubeOnAI access and summarize content without any issues.


  • The links need to be publicly accessible
  • Supports file types: PDF, Audio, Video, TXT, PPTX

Example Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/dummypubliclyaccessibledrivelink/view

Want a lengthy document summarized to quickly learn its key points? TubeOnAI lets you do that with the click of a button.

Simply share the public link of the Google Doc file in the search box and hit the Summary button. And done! you have an accurate summary prepared for you.


  • Publicly accessible

Example Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/dummypubliclyaccessibledoclink/edit?usp=sharing

Tips: Make sure you go to your doc file and change the Sharing settings to “Anyone with the link” so that TubeOnAI can access and summarize the content.

Following the requirements and tips, you can easily summarize any document from now on.

Article URL Format #

TubeOnAI lets you summarize lengthy online articles and digest essential information in minutes.

Simply provide the article’s link to TubeOnAI and let it do its magic.


  • Standard URL format

Example Link: https://www.tubeonai.com/blog/video-summarizer-ai-tool

Get an actionable quick summary for online blog posts, and articles. Read or listen to the key points in a nice user-friendly interface with the help of TubeOnAI.

PDF URL Format #

Get concise, accurate summaries for complete pdf and learn the essential topics in minutes.


  • Publicly accessible
  • Direct link to the PDF file

Example Link: https://website.com/dummy-publicly-accessible-article-2024.pdf

Tips: Make sure the URL ends with “.pdf”. It ensures you are providing a publicly accessible PDF file.

Want a quick overview of a research article? Paste the article link and TubeOnAI takes care of the summarization process.

PPTX URL Format #

Need brief on a presentation file? Let TubeOnAI summarize the PPTX file and prepare a report for you.


  • Publicly accessible
  • Direct link to the PPTX file

Example: https://dummypubliclyavailablewebsite.com/pdf/random_number.pptx

Tips: Ensure that the URL ends with “.pptx”. It means you are providing a publicly accessible PPTX file.

Supported File Types #

TubeOnAI supports the following file types:

  • PDF: Portable Document Format
  • Audio: Various audio formats such as MP3, WAV, etc.
  • Video: Common video formats such as MP4, AVI, etc.
  • TXT: Plain text files
  • PPTX: PowerPoint presentations

Guidelines for URL Submission #

  1. Ensure that the provided URLs are publicly accessible.
  2. Verify that the URLs point directly to the intended content.
  3. Check compatibility with supported file types (PDF, audio, video, TXT, PPTX).
  4. For Drive and Doc links, make sure they are set to public sharing mode.
  5. Direct links to the content are preferred for PDFs, PPTX, audio, and video files.

By adhering to these guidelines, users can effectively summarize and consume content through TubeOnAI, enhancing collaboration and knowledge sharing across various formats.