Before you begin using the TubeOnAI API, you’ll need to generate an API key within your TubeOnAI account settings. This key will be used for authentication when making API requests.

Please ensure to securely store your API key as it cannot be retrieved once generated.

Generating an API Key #

  • Navigate to the Advanced Developer Features section in your TubeOnAI account settings.
  • In the API Key section, click on the Create button.
  • Copy the generated API key and securely store it for future use.

To explore all the technical aspects of TubeOnAI API, make sure to check out this resource: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/31168455/2sA35MwxwE

1. Search Content #


The Search Content API allows you to search for specific content within TubeOnAI efficiently. You can search for YouTube videos or podcasts based on keywords.

To ensure accurate search results, it’s essential to specify the content type correctly.

For YouTube content, the Type parameter should be set to “Youtube” and for podcasts, it should be set to “Podcast”.

Authentication: Include your API key in the request headers as a bearer token.

Request Parameters #

  • Keyword: Specify the keyword to search for.
  • Type: Choose between “YouTube” or “Podcast” to specify the type of content.

2. Summarize Content #


The Summary API allows users to summarize content from either searched contents or public URLs provided via the content_id_or_url parameter.

Users must provide the correct type for the content they wish to summarize. You can summarize YouTube videos, podcasts, or articles directly using this API.

Authentication: Include your API key in the request headers as a bearer token.

Request Parameters #

  • Content ID or URL: Provide the ID or URL of the content you wish to summarize.
  • Type: Specify the type of content (“YouTube,” “Podcast,” or “Article”).

Upon requesting a summary, the system will process the content and respond with a status indicating the progress. The response structure will be as follows:

It’s important to note that summarization may take some time. Users should continue to query the endpoint periodically until the summary status changes to “ready”.

3. List All Prompt #


The Prompt List API provides a comprehensive list of prompts available on TubeOnAI. You can use these prompts for custom summarization of content.

Authentication: Include your API key in the request headers as a bearer token.

4. Summarize With Custom Prompt #


The Summary API also facilitates generating custom summaries for content based on specific prompts.

Users need to pass the prompt_id which will be collected from the prompt list API.

Authentication: Include your API key in the request headers as a bearer token.

Request Parameters #

  • Content ID or URL: Provide the ID or URL of the content you wish to summarize.
  • Type: Specify the type of content (“Youtube,” “Podcast,” or “Article”).
  • Prompt ID: Provide the ID of the prompt you wish to use for summarization.

Endpoint Limit #

Please note that each endpoint can be accessed up to 10 times per minute. If you exceed this limit, your access will be blocked. So, please ensure to adhere to the endpoint limit to avoid disruptions in service.