Top 6 Productivity Apps for Students in 2024: AI Tools and Techniques That Work

Discover how TubeOnAI's AI-powered video summarization tool revolutionizes studying.
best productivity AI tools for students

Imagine acing your exams while still having time for a social life. Sounds impossible? Not with the right study tools for students at your fingertips.

In today’s fast-paced academic world, staying on top of your studies can feel like trying to drink from a fire hose. But what if you could turn that overwhelming flood of information into a manageable stream?

Enter the world of productivity apps for students. These digital assistants are revolutionizing how we learn, offering everything from AI-powered summarization to gamified focus techniques.

In this guide, we’ll explore six game-changing apps that are setting new standards for academic productivity in 2024.

The Best Productivity Apps For Students

  • TubeOnAI for summarizing lectures, pdfs and creating study plans
  • Todoist for task prioritization and recurring tasks
  • Forest for time management
  • Google Calendar for tracking deadlines
  • Notion for note-taking, task management, and project management.

What makes these apps ideal for students?

Lots of tools exist in the market but a handful of them will help you be productive in your day-to-day life. We asked ourselves common questions such as whether these tools would help manage tasks, time, stay updated, or take notes. Based on our analysis, we have compiled a list. Let’s discuss these terms briefly:

  • Task management: This feature allows students to create, organize, and track their tasks and assignments.
  • Calendar: A calendar can help students keep track of deadlines and important dates.
  • Note-taking: Note-taking apps can be used to capture lectures, readings, and other important information.
  • Time management: Time management features can help students stay focused and avoid procrastination.
  • Collaboration: Collaboration features can be useful for group projects and studying.
  • Integration with other tools: The best productivity apps will integrate with other tools that students use, such as their email and learning management systems.

Productivity Apps For Students By Subjects

Studies reveal that around 70% of students find it challenging to stay productive and organized. This is where productivity apps for students come into play, offering practical solutions to manage tasks, enhance focus, and elevate academic productivity.

Now, let’s dive into each of these productivity powerhouses and see how they can revolutionize your study habits.

TubeOnAI: Particularly useful for content-heavy subjects like history, literature, or sciences. It can summarize lengthy lectures or research papers, making it easier to review key concepts.

Todoist: Great for managing assignments and deadlines across all subjects. You can create separate projects for each class to organize tasks effectively.

Forest: Helpful for any subject that requires focused study time. It’s handy for subjects that demand long periods of concentration, like mathematics or coding.

Google Calendar: Essential for time management across all subjects. You can color-code different classes and study sessions for a clear overview of your academic schedule.

Notion: Versatile for all subjects. You can create subject-specific databases, note templates, and project trackers. It’s particularly useful for subjects requiring extensive note-taking or project management.


TubeOnAI: AI-Powered Content Summarization

In the era of information overload, TubeOnAI emerges as a valuable tool for students looking to digest large amounts of content efficiently. This AI-driven app summarizes various types of content, from video lectures to academic papers.

Key Features:

  • AI-Driven Summarization: Extracts key information and main ideas from complex content.
  • Multi-Format Support: Handles video, audio, and text-based materials.
  • Customizable Summaries: Adjust the length and depth of summaries to fit your needs.

How TubeOnAI Can Benefit Students:

  • Time-Saving: Quickly digest large volumes of content, freeing up time for deeper study or other activities.
  • Enhanced Comprehension: Grasp key concepts more easily, potentially boosting performance in class discussions and exams.
  • Improved Study Efficiency: Cover more material in less time, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding of subjects.
  • Accessibility: TubeOnAI caters to diverse learning styles with options for visual, auditory, and text-based summaries, making it an inclusive tool for all students.

While TubeOnAI offers powerful summarization capabilities, it’s important to remember that it’s a tool to enhance your learning, not replace critical thinking or in-depth study. Use it wisely to complement your existing study strategies.

“TubeOnAI turned my 3-hour study sessions into focused 1-hour power reviews. I’ve never felt more prepared for exams!” – Sarah, Biology Major”

Todoist app

Todoist: Streamlining Your Task List

In the fast-paced world of academia, staying on top of assignments and deadlines is crucial. Todoist is a powerful task management app designed to help students manage their tasks efficiently. With its intuitive interface and robust features, Todoist allows you to create, organize, and prioritize your tasks with ease. 

Key Features:

  • Natural Language Input: Quickly add tasks using everyday language.
  • Karma Points: Stay motivated with a gamified productivity system.
  • Cross-Platform Sync: Access your tasks from any device.

How Todoist Can Benefit Students:

  • Enhanced Organization: Keep all your academic and personal commitments in one place.
  • Increased Productivity: Plan your study sessions more effectively with clear task prioritization.
  • Collaboration: Share projects and tasks with classmates for group assignments.
Forest App

Forest: Cultivating Focus Through Gamification

In an age where distractions are more prevalent than ever, maintaining focus can be challenging for students. Forest is a pioneering app that combines gamification with productivity to help students stay on task. The concept is simple but effective: as you work, you grow a virtual tree. If you leave the app to check your phone or get distracted, your tree withers and dies. 

Key Features:

  • Focus Timer: Set a timer for your study session and grow a virtual tree.
  • Real-World Impact: Earn virtual coins to plant real trees.
  • Daily and Weekly Goals: Set and track productivity goals over time.

How Forest Can Benefit Students:

  • Improved Concentration: The app’s unique concept encourages sustained focus.
  • Reduced Phone Usage: Helps combat the urge to check your phone during study sessions.
  • Environmental Awareness: Links productivity to real-world positive impact.
Google Calender
Image Source: SAM Mobile

Google Calendar: Mastering Time Management

Effective time management is crucial for academic success, and Google Calendar offers a robust solution for students looking to optimize their schedules.

Key Features:

  • Multiple Calendar Support: Create separate calendars for classes, study sessions, and personal events.
  • Task Integration: Add tasks with deadlines directly to your calendar.
  • Sharing and Collaboration: Easy scheduling for group projects and study sessions.

How Google Calendar Can Benefit Students:

  • Enhanced Organization: Visualize your entire schedule in one place.
  • Improved Time Management: Plan study sessions around classes and other commitments.
  • Reminders and Notifications: Never miss an important deadline or class.

Notion: The All-in-One Productivity Powerhouse

Notion stands out as a versatile platform that combines note-taking, task management, and project planning in one customizable workspace.

Key Features:

  • Customizable Workspaces: Create personalized dashboards for different aspects of your academic life.
  • Templates: Utilize pre-made templates for various academic needs.
  • Database Integration: Manage assignments and projects with powerful database features.

How Notion Can Benefit Students:

  • Centralized Information: Keep all your academic materials, tasks, and notes in one place.
  • Enhanced Organization: Customize your workspace to match your study habits and preferences.
  • Improved Collaboration: Share pages and databases with classmates or study groups.

Crafting Your Perfect Productivity Stack

As we’ve explored, each of these apps offers unique features to boost your academic productivity. The key is to find the right combination that works for your individual needs and study style.

Here are some recommendations for creating your productivity stack:

For Content Summarization: TubeOnAI can be a game-changer for quickly digesting large volumes of information. Use it to create concise summaries of lectures, readings, and research materials.

For Task Management: Todoist offers a user-friendly interface for keeping track of assignments and deadlines. Its cross-platform sync ensures you’re always up-to-date.

For Focus and Time Management: Combine Forest’s gamified focus sessions with Google Calendar’s scheduling capabilities to create a powerful time management system.

For Comprehensive Organization: If you prefer an all-in-one solution, Notion’s customizable workspace can handle notes, tasks, and project planning in one place.

Remember, the most effective productivity system is one that you’ll actually use consistently. Start by incorporating one or two apps into your routine and gradually build your ideal productivity stack.

Final Thoughts

As you cruise the productivity apps for students, consider integrating these powerful aids into your routine. 

Remember, the goal isn’t just to work harder, but smarter.

And hey, don’t forget to take care of yourself along the way – these tools have got your back there too. The world of learning is changing fast, so stay curious and keep exploring what’s new.

Try different methods, see what clicks, and before you know it, you’ll be acing your classes with less stress. So why wait? Dive in and discover how much easier (and maybe even fun) studying can be!


What makes TubeOnAI different from other summarization tools?

TubeOnAI stands out due to its advanced AI-powered summarization capabilities that work across multiple content formats. Unlike many tools that focus solely on text, TubeOnAI can summarize video lectures, podcasts, and written materials.

Its ability to extract key information from visual and auditory content makes it particularly valuable for students who learn through various mediums. Additionally, TubeOnAI offers customizable summary lengths and formats, allowing students to tailor the output to their specific needs and learning styles.

How can AI-powered apps improve my studying efficiency?

AI-powered apps like TubeOnAI can significantly enhance studying efficiency in several ways:

  • Time-saving: AI can quickly process and summarize large volumes of information, allowing you to grasp key concepts faster.
  • Personalization: Many AI tools learn from your usage patterns to provide more tailored recommendations and summaries over time.
  • 24/7 Availability: AI assistants can help you study anytime, providing instant summaries or answers to questions.
  • Diverse Content Handling: AI can help you understand complex topics by synthesizing information from various sources and formats.
  • Consistency: AI tools can maintain a consistent level of performance, helping you study effectively even when you’re tired or distracted.

Are these productivity apps suitable for all types of learners?

Yes, the productivity apps mentioned in this article cater to various learning styles and needs:

  • Visual learners may benefit from apps like Notion, which allows for customizable, visually organized workspaces.
  • Auditory learners can use TubeOnAI to summarize lecture recordings or podcasts.
  • Kinesthetic learners might find Forest’s gamified approach to focus particularly engaging.
  • Readers and writers may prefer the note-taking capabilities of Evernote or Notion.
  • Sequential learners could benefit from the structured task management of Todoist.
  • Global learners might appreciate TubeOnAI’s ability to provide quick overviews of complex topics.

Most of these apps offer customization options, allowing students to adapt them to their preferred learning styles.

How do I choose the right combination of productivity apps for my needs?

Choosing the right combination of productivity apps depends on your specific needs and study habits. Here’s a step-by-step approach:

  • Identify your main challenges (e.g., time management, focus, information overload).
  • Prioritize the features you need most (e.g., summarization, task management, note-taking).
  • Start with one or two apps that address your primary needs. For instance, if you struggle with information overload, begin with TubeOnAI.
  • Gradually incorporate other apps as needed, ensuring they integrate well with your existing tools.
  • Take advantage of free trials to test different apps before committing.
  • Regularly reassess your productivity system and adjust as necessary.

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Our editorial team is a dynamic group of expert writers, editors, and content marketers who are passionate about the latest AI technologies. With extensive experience in content creation and SEO strategies, we are dedicated to producing high-quality, people-first content that simplifies the digital landscape for our audience.

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